Catherine Lavender

“The Body Never Lies”

Find the key to your heart.

Our attitudes, life patterns and how we handle stress determine our well-being.  Exploring the values and strength of the Personal Peace Procedure, will guide us to break out of our old patterns and move towards a life of freedom and ease.

Move past your limiting beliefs and move towards the person you’ve always wanted to be, your True Self.

Listen to your body…physically, mentally, emotionally.  Find the cues. Trust!

I believe the most unselfish thing you can do is “Look after Yourself First!”

Love Yourself, Your Courage and Your Strength.  As your body and mind transforms, you’ll start to realize that Calm is Strength.  From this place, you can take on anything.

Let your light shine.


Catherine is an Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. She was drawn to various Energy Modalities in 2006 as a way to quiet her mind and find balance during a busy time in her life.  This led Catherine to also complete studies as a Reiki Master (practitioner and teacher), RYT Yoga Teacher, Meditation, Mudras and Mantras, and Sound Therapy accompanied by Alchemy Crystal Bowls.

Click here for Catherine’s website.